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autism symptomsPosted: 29/12/2010, 07:55
Useful blog website, keep me personally through searching it, I am seriously interested to find out another recommendation of it.
GalackPosted: 3/9/2010, 21:03
+ che altro in molti server la fonte di guadagno degli inscriptionist è la vendita dei vellum per gli hakkar invece si continua a spammare alla ricerca o offrendo enchant direttamente
Shadow BeefPosted: 2/9/2010, 18:14
Secodno me la lasciano remunerativa alla fine tu hai la lista dei glifi esistenti direttamente sul pg, logico una volta imparato come per le recipe sei a posto, appunto per quersto comprare i glifi in AH costera del tipo 500gold al pezzo se non di piu :)
GalackPosted: 2/9/2010, 14:49
c'è da vedere ora come intendono rendere Inscription una professione remunerativa, differenza di professioni come Enchanting ad esempio dove cambiando l'oggetto si deve rispendere gold per massimizzarne l'utilità.

Sinceramente mi aspettavo il famigerato "glifo extra" per gli Inscription o comunque un glifo "requires Inscription" apposito per chi ha skillato tale professione
RegrethPosted: 2/9/2010, 09:46
Ne avevamo gia parlato mesi fa della possibilità di alcuni cambiamenti nel sistema Glyphs,ora vi è la conferma ufficiale e ci sono stati anche degli sbottonamenti da parte della blizzard.
Il sistema glifi ha avuto dei cambiamenti sostanziali,personalmente io penso per il meglio.
Ma bando alle ciance è ora di leggere come sempre qui sotto troverete tutto,la traduzione viene da mmo-champion.

Cataclysm - Nuova interfaccia Glifi
La nuova interfaccia dei glifi è finalemnte pronta e ha un paio di interessanti novità

•il piu grande cambiamento è che i glifi non sono piu oggetti consumabili.Tu potrai comprarli ed essi ti rimarranno per sempre nella pagina dei glifi senza doverli più ricomprare
•Sono stati aggiunti i Prime Glyphs
•Tutti i glifi sono listati anche quelli che non si sono ancora imparati essi appariranno i grigio mentre quelli conosciuti appariranno selezionabili
•Si potrà cercare i glifi con un semplice search oppure si potrà filtrarli.

Qui c'è una lista iniziale per alcune classi di glifi vecchi e nuovi.
In fondo troverete le immagini del nuovo sistema glifi ^^

Mage (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
•Mana Shield *New* - Reduces the cooldown of your Mana Shield by 2 sec.
•Conjuring *New* - Reduces the mana cost of your Conjuring spells by 50%.
•Monkey *New* - Your Polymorph spell turns the target into a monkey instead of a sheep.
•Pyroblast *New* - Increases the critical strike chance of your Pyroblast spell by 5%.
•Cone of Cold *New* - Increases the damage of your Cone of Cold spell by 25%.
•Dragon's Breath *New* - Reduces the cooldown of your Dragon's Breath by 3 sec.

Rogue (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
•Backstab - Your Backstab critical strikes grant you 5 energy. (Your Backstab increases the duration of your Rupture effect on the target by 2 sec, up to a maximum of 6 additional sec.)
•Blade Flurry - Reduces the penalty to energy generation while Blade Flurry is active by 50%. (Reduces the energy cost of Blade Flurry by 100%.)
•Fan of Knives - Increases the radius of your Fan of Knives ability by 50%. (Increases the damage done by Fan of Knives by 20%.)
•Garrote - Increases the duration of your Garrote ability's silence effect by 2 sec. (Reduces the duration of your Garrote ability by 3 sec and increases the total damage it deals by 20%.)
•Revealing Strike *New* - Increases Revealing Strike's bonus effectiveness to your finishing moves by an additional 10%.
•Gouge - Your Gouge ability no longer requires that the target be facing you. (Reduces the energy cost of Gouge by 15.)
•Hemorrhage - Your Hemorrhage ability also causes the target to bleed, dealing 40% of the direct strike's damage over 24 sec. (Increases the damage bonus against targets afflicted by Hemorrhage by 40%.)
•Killing Spree - Increases the bonus to your damage while Killing Spree is active by an additional 10%. (Reduces the cooldown on Killing Spree by 45 sec.)
•Preparation - Your Preparation ability also instantly resets the cooldown of Kick, Dismantle, and Smoke Bomb. (No longer affects Blade Flurry, but affects Smoke Bomb)
•Sap - Increases the duration of Sap against non-player targets by 80 sec. (Increases the duration of Sap by 20 sec.)
•Sinister Strike - Your Sinister Strikes have a 20% chance to add an additional combo point. (50% proc from critical strikes only)
•Tricks of the Trade - Removes the energy cost of your Tricks of the Trade ability. (The bonus damage and threat redirection granted by your Tricks of the Trade ability lasts an additional 4 sec.)
•Vanish - Increases the duration of your Vanish effect by 2 sec. (Increases your movement speed by 30% while the Vanish effect is active.)
•Vendetta *New* - Increases the duration of your Vendetta ability by 20%.

Shaman (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
•Chain Heal - Increases healing done by your Chain Heal spell to targets beyond the first by 15%, but decreases the amount received by the initial target by 10%. (Your Chain Heal heals 1 additional target.)
•Earthliving Weapon - Increases the effectiveness of your Earthliving weapon's periodic healing by 20%. (Increases the chance for your Earthliving weapon to trigger by 5%.)
•Elemental Mastery - While your Elemental Mastery ability is active, you take 20% less damage from all sources. (Reduces the cooldown of your Elemental Mastery ability by 30 sec.)
•Fire Nova - Increases the radius of your Fire Nova spell by 5 yards. (Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Nova spell by 3 seconds.)
•Ghost Wolf - Your Ghost Wolf form grants an additional 10% movement speed.
•Healing Stream Totem - Your Healing Stream Totem also increases the Fire, Frost, and Nature resistance of party and raid members within 30 yards by 150. (Your Healing Stream Totem heals for an additional 20%.)
•Hex - Reduces the cooldown of your Hex spell by 15 sec. (Increases the damage your Hex target can take before the Hex effect is removed by 20%.)
•Lava Burst - Your Lava Burst spell deals 10% more damage. (Your Lava Burst spell gains an additional 10% of your spellpower.)
•Totemic Recall *New* - Causes your Totemic Recall ability to return an additional 50% of the mana cost of any recalled totems.
•Lightning Shield - Your Lightning Shield can no longer drop below 3 charges from dealing damage to attackers.
•Grounding Totem *New* - When your Grounding Totem absorbs a spell, it attempts to reflect that spell on its caster, but the cooldown of your Grounding Totem is increased by 45 sec.
•Arctic Wolf *New* - Alters the appearance of your Ghost Wolf transformation, causing it to resemble an arctic wolf.
•Shamanistic Rage *New* - Activating your Shamanistic Rage ability also cleanses you of all dispellable Magic debuffs.
•Water Shield - Increases the passive mana regeneration of your Water Shield spell by 50%. (Up from 30%)

Warrior (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
•Bloodthirst *New* - Increases the damage of Bloodthirst by 10%. (The old Glyph of Bloodthirst is still there, and renamed to Bloody Healing)
•Heroic Throw *New* - Your Heroic Throw applies a stack of Sunder Armor.
•Overpower - Increases the damage of Overpower by 10%. (Adds a 100% chance to enable your Overpower when your attacks are parried.)
•Slam *New* - Increases the critical strike chance of Slam by 5%.
•Shield Slam - Increases the damage of your Shield Slam by 10%. (Increases your block value by 20% for 10 sec after using your Shield Slam ability.)
•Raging Blow *New* - Reduces the cooldown of Raging Blow by 1.5 sec.
